Recorded On: 11/10/2020
Michael Bruemmer, VP Global Data Breach & Consumer Protection, Experian
Austin Morris Jr., CEO, Morris Risk Management LLC (Moderator)
The incidence of data breaches has grown rapidly over the last decade. Unfortunately, financial services has the second-highest cost per breached record, behind healthcare. In financial services, an average breach costs $210 per record, while a “mega breach” can cost up to $388 per record. In the aftermath of a data breach, financial institutions must deal with financial loss, hefty fines, a reputational hit and customers leaving. Ensuring you have the right people and processes in place before an attack occurs will make a significant difference in how an attack impacts your operations, reputation and bottom line. Experian’s Michael Bruemmer takes you through real-life examples of why most breach responses fail. Don’t make the same mistakes! Learn how you can stay ahead and be prepared.
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Michael Bruemmer is Vice President of Global Data Breach & Consumer Protection at Experian. The Group is a leader in helping businesses prepare for a data breach and mitigate consumer risk following breach incidents.
With more than 25 years in the industry, Michael brings a wealth of knowledge related to data breach preparedness and breach management from discovery to post-incident clean up. He has handled some of the nation’s largest breaches over his tenure with Experian and more than 25,000 to date. Michael has educated businesses of all sizes and sectors through pre-breach and breach response planning and delivery, including notification processes to affected consumers, call center set up and identity theft protection services.
He is a respected speaker and presents to industry organizations across the country on the topic of data breaches and provides insight to many trade and business media outlets including Dark Reading, IT Business, CIO, Info Security, Security Week, Health IT Security, Wall Street Journal, American Banker and others. He has been a guest columnist for SecurityInfoWatch and has appeared on broadcast channels such as Fox Business.
He currently resides on the Ponemon Responsible Information Management (RIM) Board and NetDiligence Advisory Board.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Labor Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Since 2007, Morris Risk Management LLC has been a leader in cyber insurance and other coverages including technology errors and omissions, allied healthcare liability, professional liability, management liability (D&O), lawyers professional liability, employment practices liability, crime and fiduciary liability, media liability, disability and life.
MRM strives to be on the cutting-edge of insurance and risk management including learning about emerging risks and best practices, identifying and prioritizing risks, leading insurance products, and offering strategic solutions to clients. MRM provides unbiased advice on cybersecurity matters and frequently participates in national cybersecurity communities.
Austin previously was an executive vice president for a leading technology company. He is President of InfraGard’s Philadelphia Chapter. He is a member of the American College of Healthcare Executives.